Casa rural próxima a las playas de Cuchía, Los Caballos o Usgo, en Miengo - Ref. MNGO001R (G 10048)

El Portón country house is located in the area of Miengo, in Cantabria. Vey close to the beaches at Cuchia, Los Caballos or Usgo and is ideal for 10 people.

Availability of the Accommodation
Information of your request

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Request information
El Portón is in Miengo (Cantabria) and all its excellent beaches.

Description Rural Houses at Miengo (Cantabria)

El Portón country house has everything you need for an unforgettable and  relaxing stay. The house has traditional arquitecture, with wooden boards and beams in the floors and ceilings, and it has all the amenities and a very large private garden with a barbecue, where one can enjoy the fresh air.  Due to its perfect position, it is an ideal place from which to discover a large part of central Cantabria: Santillana de Mar, Comillas, Santander... It is very close to all the attractions that you can find in these places but at the same time in a totally tranquil environment. El Portón country house is very well communicated, via the A67 motorway, which joins Santander to Torrelavega and  is about 7km from the house.

    Booking Conditions

  • Precio desde: 180€/night
  • Condiciones Cancelación:

    If the cancellation is announced more than 60 days before the expected date of entry, 100% of the signal is refunded. 
    If the cancellation is announced 60 days or less in advance of the expected date of entry, there is no return of the signal.

  • Situation

  • Atractivos del entorno:

    From Casa el Portón you can get to know practically the entire Cantabrian region. Santander, Santillana del Mar, Comillas and Suances are very close to the house. However, many other interesting places can be reached via the A67 and A8 motorways. Within Cantabria to the west we have the Desfiladero de la Hermida, Potes and Fuente Dé with the Teleferico that will elevate us to more than 800 mtrs of height in the heart of Picos de Europa. A stop at the restaurant of the Hotel de Oso in Cosgaya to taste the best lebaniego stew of Cantabria would not be bad. A little morelá the caves of the Soplao and near the border with Asturias. Entering Asturias, Llanes, Ribadesella, Covadonga and Lagos in addition to Cabrales, Ruta del Cares or funicular Bulbes that will bring us closer to the village of Bulnes and cais at the feet of the mythical Naranjo de Bulnes. To the east, the A8 cannot take you to the fishing villages of Santoña and in the Basque Country, Bermeo, Guetaria, Lequeitio. We can even go to Bilbao and see the Guggenheim Museum.

  • Characteristics

  • Rooms on the ground floor: Living room, kitchen, dining room, toilet, office
  • Rooms on the first floor: 4 double bedrooms and 3 bathrooms
  • Rooms on second floor: living room, 1 double bedroom and 1 bathroom
  • Number of bedrooms: 5
  • Total number of bathrooms (no toilets): 5
  • Services

  • Fireplace: cn-352
  • There's Internet access
  • There's television with signal type: DTT TV
  • Type of heating: Central heating
  • Rooms

  • Total camas de 135: 2
  • Total camas de 90: 6
  • Nº total armarios roperos: 5
  • Bathrooms

  • Total no. of showers: 4
  • Total no. of bidets: 2
  • Towels
  • Comment baths: toilet on the ground floor with toilet and washbasin (no shower)
  • Exterior Area

  • Parking: On property
  • The outside of the enclosure is fenced
  • There's a barbecue.
  • External type: Garden
  • What does it share?: Only access to the property
  • Kitchen

  • There's a juice squeezer.
  • There's a clothes iron.
  • There's an ironing board.
  • There's a toaster
  • There's a mixer
  • There's a microwave oven
  • There is a normal oven (no microwave)
  • There's a washing machine
  • There's table linen
  • There's a dishwasher
  • There's a fridge
  • There's a coffeemaker