Casa para cuatro personas en Santa Eulalia del Carranzo (Llanes) - Ref. STEL001R (VV 42 AS)

Country house, Honorato 1 is a bungalow. It has got a garden and is located in the village of Santa Eulalia, at the foot of the Sierra de la Borbolla, 5km from the beach at Buelna and 7km from the beach at La Franca. Ideal for 4 people

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Availability of the Accommodation
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Request information
Located in a small town in eastern Asturias, 5km from the beach, 18km from Llanes, 30 minutes from the Picos de Europa and less than an hour from the center of Asturias.

Description Rural Houses at Santa Eulalia de Carranzo (Asturias)

Santa Eulalia, where the house is located, is a small and rural village in the council of Llanes. The accommodation is on top of the village, next to the church and has excellent views of the Sierra del Cuera. 10 minutes from the house is the Indianos Archive, the Cueva del Pindal both located in the neighbouring council of Ribadedeva.
In 20 minutes you can visit Llanes, in 30 minutes Ribadesella, in 45 minutes you can visit Cangas de Onís, the Lakes of Covadonga, and in just over an hour you are in the centre of Asturias. The house is also ideal for visiting the west of Cantabria.

    Booking Conditions

  • Precio desde: 58.00€
  • Condiciones Cancelación:

    If the cancellation is announced more than 60 days prior to the scheduled date of entry, 100% of the deposit will be refunded.
    If the cancellation is announced 60 days or less prior to the expected date of entry, there is no refund of the deposit.

  • Situation

  • Atractivos del entorno:

    This house is located in the so-called Dark Valley between the Cantabrian Sea and the Sierra del Cuera. A few kilometres from the house is the prehistoric idol of Peña Tú, which has an interpretation centre and whose excursion does not take more than a few minutes on foot from the car park.
    The closest beach to the house is La Buelna, but a few kilometres away by car you can visit many other beaches in the council of Llanes.
    In a very short time the area has many attractions that should be visited to make the most of your stay.
    Depending on the time available any of these options for day trips are essential: Picos de Europa, Covadonga, Cangas de Onis, Lagos, Cabrales, Poncebos, Senda del Cares, Bulnes Funicular, Desfiladero de la Hermida, Potes, Fuente Dé, Comillas, Santillana del Mar, Cueva del Soplao, reproduction of the Caves of Altamira, Cabárceno Nature Park, Jurassic Museum of Asturias, Lastres fishing villages and bowls. All this without forgetting the enormous gastronomic offer in the form of restaurants, cider houses, picnic areas, terraces, taverns and winches that brighten up our holidays.

  • Characteristics

  • Rooms on the first floor: Living room-kitchen-dining room, 1 bathroom and 2 bedrooms
  • Number of bedrooms: 2
  • Total number of bathrooms (no toilets): 1
  • Services

  • There's television with signal type: DTT TV
  • Type of heating: Central heating
  • Rooms

  • Bed linen
  • Bathrooms

  • Towels
  • Exterior Area

  • There's a barbecue.
  • External type: Garden
  • Garden furniture
  • Kitchen

  • There's a clothes iron.
  • There's an ironing board.
  • There's a toaster
  • There's a microwave oven
  • There is a normal oven (no microwave)
  • There's a washing machine
  • There's table linen
  • There's a fridge
  • There's a coffeemaker