Casa rural para 6 personas con vistas al mar en Berbes, Ribadesella - Ref. BRBS001R (VV 684 AS)

Very well maintained house for 6 people with sea views on the Cantabrian coast

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Availability of the Accommodation
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Request information
Near of the town of Berbes in Ribadesella

Description Rural Houses at Berbes (Asturias)

This house is an exception in the Asturian tourist offer for its quality. All the details are taken care of. From the comfort of the furniture to the combination of the cutlery with the rustic style of the house. From duvets of the highest quality to different types of coffee for customers to choose from. It has 3 double bedrooms, 3 bathrooms and a guest toilet on the ground floor, 2 lounges, one of them on the top floor with home-cinema, and another on the ground floor with fireplace, separate kitchen with dishwasher and garden with sea views. Parking inside the property.

    Booking Conditions

  • Precio desde: 200€/night
  • Condiciones Cancelación: If the cancellation is announced more than 60 days before the expected date of entry, 100% of the signal is refunded.
    If the cancellation is announced 60 days or less in advance of the expected date of entry, there is no return of the signal.
  • Situation

  • Atractivos del entorno:

    The house is unified in a very quiet environment from which you can see the Cantabrian Sea in any of the locations of the garden. It is a perfect place to relax. One of the best beaches of the council of Ribadesella, the one of Vega, is to only 4 km and the link with the autovia A8 to less than 3 km. Once on the motorway everything is within reach, from Picos de Europa and Covadonga, to the Jurassic Museum or Gijón and Oviedo. Excursions of one day take us in less than an hour and a half to Bilbao on the east or the beach of Las Categrales on the west (already in Lugo). Culture, gastronomy, pre-Romanesque, sport, adventure, landscape, nature, everything and much more you can enjoy staying in this house that we present you.

  • Characteristics

  • Number of bedrooms: 3
  • Total number of bathrooms (no toilets): 4
  • Services

  • Fireplace: cn-352
  • Firewood: cn-187
  • There's Internet access
  • There's television with signal type: DTT TV
  • Rooms

  • Total camas de 150: 2
  • Total camas de 90: 2
  • Bed linen
  • Nº total armarios roperos: 3
  • Bathrooms

  • There's a hair dryer
  • Total no. of showers: 3
  • Towels
  • Comment baths: They have mini-showers next to the WC as a bidet
  • Exterior Area

  • Parking: On property
  • The outside of the enclosure is fenced
  • There's a barbecue.
  • External type: Garden
  • Garden furniture
  • Kitchen

  • There's a juice squeezer.
  • There's a boiler
  • There's a clothes iron.
  • There's an ironing board.
  • There's a toaster
  • There's a mixer
  • There's a microwave oven
  • There is a normal oven (no microwave)
  • There's a washing machine
  • There's table linen
  • There's a dishwasher
  • There's a fridge
  • There's a coffeemaker