Casa rural entre naturaleza, en Traveseu, Ribadesella - Ref. CNGO001R (VV 857 AS)

House with three bedrooms, garden and two bathrooms just 4 km from Ribadesella.

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Request information
In Camango just 4 km from Ribadesella where the beaches and all services are.

Description Rural Houses at Camango (Asturias)

This is a comfortable house with terrace and garden with barbecue less than 4 km from Ribadesella where are all services (gas station, restaurants, supermarkets, doctors, pharmacies, shops, bars, etc., etc.) and the famous beach of Santa Marina. The house is equipped with 3 double bedrooms, two complete bathrooms, kitchen-living-dining room, terrace, garden with barbecue and parking space. From here you can easily reach the motorway A.8 and therefore many points of interest in the vicinity. Even places as close as the Gunggenheim in Bilbao or the beach of the Cathedrals in Ribadeo, both about two hours from the house.

    Booking Conditions

  • Precio desde: 585€/week
  • Condiciones Cancelación:

    If the cancellation is announced more than 60 days before the expected date of entry, 100% of the signal is refunded. 
    If the cancellation is announced 60 days or less in advance of the expected date of entry, there is no return of the signal.

  • Situation

  • Atractivos del entorno: In a few kilometers around the house there are many things to visit and activities to do. It all depends on the hobbies of each. If you like sports you can go down the river Sella with canoe. If you like culture there are innumerable manifestations of the pre-Romanesque or a few pilgrimages with expressions of the floklore of the area. If you like gastronomy then you are in paradise, you will find a kind of gastronomic manifestations, from traditional cuisine to author cuisine through the typical expressions of always, cider houses, tapas, cheeses, etc.
  • Characteristics

  • Rooms on the ground floor: Entry
  • Rooms on the first floor: Living room-kitchen-dining room, double bedroom, bathroom
  • Rooms on second floor: living room, 2 double bedrooms, bathroom
  • Number of bedrooms: 3
  • Total number of bathrooms (no toilets): 2
  • Services

  • There's Internet access
  • There's television with signal type: DTT TV
  • Type of heating: Central heating
  • Rooms

  • Total camas de 135: 2
  • Total camas de 90: 2
  • Bed linen
  • Nº total armarios roperos: 2
  • Bathrooms

  • There's a hair dryer
  • Total no. of showers: 2
  • Towels
  • Exterior Area

  • Parking: On property
  • The outside of the enclosure is fenced
  • There's a barbecue.
  • External type: Garden
  • Garden furniture
  • Kitchen

  • There's a juice squeezer.
  • There's a boiler
  • There's a clothes iron.
  • There's an ironing board.
  • There's a toaster
  • There's a mixer
  • There's a microwave oven
  • There is a normal oven (no microwave)
  • There's a washing machine
  • There's table linen
  • There's a dishwasher
  • There's a fridge
  • There's a coffeemaker